satra yAga performed by kRushNa in kurukShEtra (1)
Services offered by devatAs and munIs to shri kRushNa (2)
yAga which gave happiness to the universe (3)
jignAsu (seekers) got nirNaya on tattvAs(4)
attainment (prApti) of any object of human pursuit (puruShArtha)
mood at vaikuMTha
conclusion of satrayAga
yAdavAs get curse by brahmins - uddhava gets expeditious advice (8)
kaliyUga’s glory excelled kRutayuga (10)
brahma and others pray for conclusion of incarnation (12)
background of destruction of yAdava clan. (14)
it is not virtuous to die in ones own house. (15)
yAdavas set fort to prabhAsa from dwAraka (16)
destruction of yAdavAs - balarAma relinquishes the body (17)
pAmDavAs gets information from dAruka (18)
hunter jara shoots the arrow (19)
kRushna grants good fortune to hunter (20)
bhRugu had come as hunter (22)
glory of shri kRushnA’s return to paraMdhAma (24)
one form krishNa on earth - Another form in solarsystem (sUryamaMDala) (25)
fourth form in brahmalOka (26)
shri kriShNa and brahma have private discussion (28)
kriShNa form merges with the moola form (29)
brahma and others return their respective lOkAs (30)
shri kriShNA’s act of relinquishing his body (31)
arjuna performs final rites of balarAma and others (34)
rukmiNi and sathyabhAma disappears (35)
theirs is aprAkRuta body (36)
other mahAmahishi’s relinquish their bodies (37)
rEvati and others relinquish their bodies (38)
vasudEva relinquishes his body (39)
arjuna performs final rites of vasudEva and others (40)
dwAraka submerges in the ocean (41)
arjunAs inferior defeat (42)
kRushNA’s wife are captured by mlEcchAs (43)
excellent warrior forgets the usage of weapons (45)
appearance of vyAsa in kurukShEtra (46)
vyAsa consoles arjuna (47)
krushNA’s wives proceed to salvation (48)
arjuna’s organisation of state (49)
kRuShNA’s grandson is coronated (50)
parIkShdrAja is coronated (51)
parIkshit is coronated as ruler of the kingdom(52)
parIkShidrAja is instructed to guide (punish) mlEccha (53)
reason for pAMDavA’s mahAprasthAna (54)
kALi unites with draupadi (56)
subhadrA and others stayed back in hastinApura (57)
mahAprasthAna of pAMDavAs (58)
gAMDIva in the ocean(59)
pAMDavAs in gaMdhamAdana (60)
death of bhIma and others (62)
faults of arjuna and others mentioned by yudhiShTira (64)
bhIma and others capacity of dying at will (65)
draupadi in devoid of any faults (68)
bhIma is also fault-less (69)
bhIma does not have ahaMkAra (ego) (70)
others fault is not the reason for them relinquishing their bodies (71)
relinquishing his body was unavoidable for yudhiShTira (73)
greatness of Rujus (74)
kRuShNa’s praise of bhIma (75)
Order in which pAMDavAs dEhapAta(death) (78)
divine chariot in front of dharmaja (80)
yamadharma in the form of dog (81)
yudhiShTira in the aerial route (84)
duryOdhana in iMdralOka (85)
dharmarAja was furious on duryOdhana (86)
where are pAMDavAs and others (87)
duryOdhana is sinner of highest order (89)
dharmarAja goes to his relatives (93)
dharmarAja sights hell (95)
dharmarAja’s love towards his relatives (98)
dharmarAja rejects heaven (99)
Hell disappears (100)
divine world higher than heaven (101)
dharmarAja passes the test of his magnanimity again - reason for him seeing hell (102)
dharmarAja is instructed to relinquish his body (107)
artifical heaven of duryOdhana and others (108)
mukti is guaranteed for divine souls. (109)
yudhiShThira relinquishes his body in gaMgA (110)
relatives that dharmarAja saw (111)
draupadi next to bhIma (112)
who is draupadi ? (113)
dharmarAja acquires his original form (119)
pAMDavAs meet kRushNa again (120)
reduction in virtues of asurAs (121)
birth of asurAs on earth (122)
gradation of distress among asurAs (123)
bhImA’s incarnation on earth (125)
other form draupadi (126)
bhIma as brahma - bhArati as saraswati (127)
Special service of vAyubhArati to hari (128)
pramANAs to substantiate uttered information (129)
bhImA’s incarnation as informed by bhIShma (130)
administration of pAMDavas offsprings (131)
dharma that continued in kaliyuga too (132)
incarnation of tripurAsura to violate dharma (133)
philosophy for asurAs too (134)
reason for asurAs for gaining philosophical knowledge (135)
he who has higher knowledge will not reach eternal hell (137)
Special style in which dEvatAs perform their task (138)
brahma and others pray to shri hari (139)
tripurAsura as shuddOdhana - incarnation of buddha in gayA (140)
glory of bhuddha form (141)
buddha who was a child defeated dEvavRuMdha (142)
defeat of all the demi-gods
shivA and othere were defeated (144)
buddha seated on Chakra (discus of VishNu) (145)
buddhAs preaching(146)
buddhAs sight which is liberating to surA group(147)
inner meaning of bouddhadarshana (148)
buddha form in dEvalOka (153)
Birth of jaina philosophy (154)
prashAnta vidya (155)
incarnation of krOdhavasha (156)
shaiva penance performed by krOdhavasha (157)
bhImAvatAra - durgAvatAra (158)
towards the end of kaliyuga, on request of demi-gods, shrI Hari as kalki (159)
kalki incarnation in shaMbhala (160)
meaning of kalki shabda - kalki who removed the impurities spread by kali (161)
establishing dharma in kalki form (162)
epilogue of the treatise (163)
Introduction of authors of the works (164)
greatness of madhwa form (165)
graMtha prashasti (166)
manifestation of tattwa from bhAshya (168)
composition of brahmasUtrabhAShya and other works (169)
unparalleled tasks of third incarnation (170)
pramANas to proove madhwa incarnation of vAyu (171)
pramAnika of all the topics told in the treatise (172)
phalashRuti (173)
avatAratraya of vAyudEvaru (174)
kRushNArpaNa (175)