
Inference on Creation, Secondary Creation, Destruction of World ,Manifestation

Creation of the world continued, genesis of brahma,vAyu and others, creation of the universe, shriHari’s matsya and other incarnation, rAmAvatAra

3.1 - praise of srivyAsa

3.2 - praise of srirAma

3.3 - praise of kRushNa

3.4 - explanation of the meaning of nArAyanaM namaskRutya and other verses

3.5 - jaya means bharata, narOttama(best among men)  is vAyu
3.6 - nArAyana vyAsa is unquestionable orator.

3.7 - nara is upasAdhaka and mahAlakshmi is dEvi

3.8 - intializing the topic

3.9 - continuation of the process of creation - genesis of brahma

3.10 - vAyu is born as the son of saMkarshana and jayA

3.11 - saraswati and bhArati devi are born from pradyumna and kRuti

3.12 - shEsha and garuDa are created by brahmA and vAyu

3.14 - origin of vishwaksEna

3.15 - Creation of tattvas(realities) by aniruddha

3.16 - Creation of mahat-tattva, ahaMkAra tattwa, buddhi tattwa

3.17 - Creation of mind and other realities

3.18 - brahmA devaru creates all the deities

3.19 - The three forms of viShNu - brahma,viShNu,mahEshwara originate from vasudEva and mAyE

3.20 - deities request to create the universe.

3.21  - Creation of the universe.

3.22  - bramhadEvaru arises from the lotus like navel

3.23 - examination of vAyu being the greatest among souls

3.25 - creation of the universe and shiva and other deities by brahma

3.29 - Creation that is a reminder of the gradation among the deities.

3.30 - reasons for predominance of qualities

3.31 - the manner in which shriHari is present during pralaya

3.32 - repetition of creation by shriHari - permanence of souls

3.33 -  dissolution of the universe

3.34 -  the reward for gaining the knowledge of shriHari’s power of creation

3.36 - deities incarnate again from kashyapa

3.37 - varAha incarnation of shrIhari

3.38 - hiraNyAksha and hiraNyakashipu

3.39 - varAha slays hiraNyaksha

3.40 - assassination of hayagrIvAsura by matsyarUpa hari

3.41 - incarnation as matsya

3.42 - deities request of narasimha incarnation

3.44 - kUrma who bore the weight of mandara mountain during the churning of ocean

3.45 - incarnation of vAmana

3.47 - reason for begging bali

3.48 - request for parashurama incarnation

3.51 - incarnation as parashurama

3.52 - birth of rAvaNa and kumbhakarNa - gaining of boons

3.56 - measurement of time - A day in the life of brahma

3.58 - slaying of madhu and kaitabha

3.63 - incarnation of shrirAma

3.64 - deities incarnate as humans and monkies.

3.65 - vAyu incarnates as hanumaMta - iMdra incarnates as vAli

3.66 - birth of sugrIva and jAmbuvanta

3.68 - birth of tAra and others

3.72 - varuNa as suShENA, ashwini dEvatAs as maiMda vividha, agni as nIla,kAma as bharata

3.73 - mahAlakshmi as sIhari’s conch and discus

3.74 - vAyu as mace - saraswati as shArNga

3.75 - respective deities for chakra and others

3.76 - incarnations of bharata, shatrugna, lakshmana

3.77 - Four sons of dasharatha

3.78 - four forms starting from vasudeva as fours sons of dasharatha

3.79 - shrIhari’s special presence in kArtavIryArjuna and others

3.80 - mahAlakshmi’s manifestation as sIta

3.81 - epilogue of the chapter

3.82 - discussion on differences in chapters.