shrIrAma charitE ayOdhyApravEshaH
Slaying of tATaka, subAhu, restraining mArIca, ahalya redemption, breaking the bow of shiva, wedding of sIta, meeting of rAma and parashurAma
4.1 - She rAma grew up only from worldly perspective
4.2 - sight of srirAma’s beautiful face gives eternal bliss
4.3 - citizens of ayOdhya are extremely happy
4.4 - arrival of vishwAmitra
4.5 - rAma and lakSHmaNa with vishwAmitra
4.6 - shrIrAma blessed vishwamitra by receiving the weapons given by him
4.7 - destruction of tATaka - slaying of subAhu
4.8 - marIcha who fell in ocean
4.9 - proceed towards vidEha for sIta swayamvara
4.10 - redemption of ahalya
4.12 - happiness of people of vidEha on seeing rAma
4.14 - King Janaka welcomes rAma,lakShmaNA and vishwAmitra
4.15 - rAma is the son-in-law
4.16 - history of bow of shiva
4.17 - jankarAja obtains the bow of shiva
4.18 - greatness of bow of shiva
4.19 - he who strings the bow of shiva wins sIta
4.20 - demons who were not even able to lift the bow of shiva
4.21 - defeat of rAvaNa and others
4.22 - special boon of brahma to janaka
4.24 - shrirAma strings the bow of shiva
4.25 - bow of shiva is broken
4.26 - The sport of destruction of bow of shiva
4.27 - sIta who saw shrIrama
4.28 - sIta puts garland to rAma
4.29 - The whole world rejoiced at the sight of sItA & rAma
4.30 - Invitation to dasharatha
4.31 - dasharatha arrives to mithila
4.32 - wedding of sIta and rAma
4.33 - Entire clan of demi-gods rejoiced watching the wedding
4.34 - the demi-gods who did not come to swamyamvara but came to the wedding
4.35 - sItAkalyANa which was very much like lakShmIkalyANA
4.37 - janakarAja felicitates rAma
4.38 - Wedding of lakshmaNa and others
4.39 - dasharatha leaves to ayOdhya with his whole family
4.40 - arrival of parashurAma
4.41 - invite of parashurAma to rAma - dasharatha’s fear
4.43 - Mind of parashurAma
4.44 - story of shArngha and pinAka
4.45 - war of hari and hara
4.46 - hara became immobile
4.47 - clan of demi-gods proclaimed that hari is superior
4.49 - Hara returned to kailasa
4.50 - shArnga is crore times more powerful than pinAka
4.51 - shrI rama who conquered shARnga is definitely shrIhari
4.52 - rAma conquered shARnga
4.53 - shrIhari’s strength is infinite
4.54 - parashurAma narrates atula’s story
4.55 - boon of brahma which atula had
4.56 - the act performed by parashurAma to kill atula
4.57 - boon of shiva which atula had - atula who was reduced to ashes
4.59 - rAma and parashurAma both are shrIhari
4.61 - parashurAma who became one with rAma
4.62 - and parashurAma came out again
4.63 - sIta and rAma in ayOdhya
4.65 - it is impossible for others to accomplish the task of rAma